The SPAS-12 also came in several variations. The park ranger in Jurassic Park also carries a SPAS-12. The SPAS-12 is often seen in movies like the Terminator and in many videogames due to its menacing appearance. Also around the same time as the American ban Franchi had finished development of the far better SPAS-15 design and most police and military units still using the 12 began switching to the 15 as it entered mass production. This caused a global recall to replace the faulty parts. The lever safety was notoriously known to fail and cause the gun to fire by simply changing the safety from safe to fire or fire to safe. The weapon was also rather heavy and the internals were overly complicated to operate, clean, and were prone to breaking. It has also become increasingly rare in the Untied States and since the ban because of its fragile nature and owners have increasingly difficult times locating replacement parts and working weapons are rarely sold by there owners now that it is highly sought as a collectors item with most selling upwards of $1500 or more. A large number of SPAS-12 were sold to private owners in America who were greatly attracted by the guns visual design. The American ban was part of a governmental anti-gun movement to slow the flow of imported firearms with no "sporting purposes". Firstly in 2000 the gun was banned for importation completely in the United States although thousands were sold to American gun enthusiasts every year. Production of the shotgun ceased in 2001 for several major reasons. Currently, the SPAS-12 is nearly impossible to find anywhere outside the US unless a buyer pays an extremely high price. Although the firearm is primarily designed to fire high powered shells in a semi-auto mode, it can be selected to fire lower powered rounds in a pump-action mode by pressing a button on the bottom of the foregrip and moving it back or forward locking it into the other mode. The SPAS-12 is a semiautomatic shotgun made by Italian firearms manufacturer, Franchi.