Immersive Armors seeks to drastically enhance the variety of armors in the world of Skyrim in a lore friendly way. Are there any mods that let me wear robes over armor, Morrowind-style? I found only one upon searching, but it only works for vanilla robes. All of them are usually uniquely attractive, have weight slider support for both genders, stock models, relatively balanced stats and dishes and are usually prepared for use in Skyrim. Of course, some mods may come out (as they have on PC) for Frenzy enchantments, which would allow you to bypass the Alchemy/Poison route altogether. Recently, 레커 (Lae Keo, I think is how you say it?) on Steam has been porting over tons of new armors from the AC series (and Dishonored and Battlefield as well!). This Creation was primarily made by Maty743.

What’s more, the set is also as powerful as its name implies. The Vampire Armor Set is speciality armour set introduced with the Dawnguard DLC and available after the Dragonborn joins the Volkihar Vampire Clan. Installation: Install using your mod manager of choice. These are invisible in your inventory and add to your weight by one and can not be viewed on your character even if equipped by the console.