I sincerely hope i will be proven wrong when the game will be released. Saints Row IV was ok at best, but Gat Out Of Hell and Agents Of Mayhem were just terrible. Especially, if you take their recent track record into account. I don't even think they'll give you a lot of options with customization (like breast size and so on). I can't imagine Volition pulling off another interesting character like Carlos and the killing him in a gruesome way and turning him into a zombie. this unlocking change the sex of your character. Personally, i was hoping that they'll go back to Saints Row 2 setting/plot-wise (more dark, serious tone, but with some humor at least). How to unlock the Switch Hitter achievement in Saints Row IV: Play for at least 2 hours as a male character AND 2 hours as a female character.

I haven't seen any gameplay yet, so i'll wait for that. And personally, not a fan of that uwu helmet, not sure why that character wasn't shot on site (this is the first thing i would do in a game). "Your" crew looks like straight out Watch_Dogs 2 or from that new Arkane Studios game, Bloodfall (or Redrain, can't remember the name that 4 player vampire hunting), ticking all the diversity boxes, but all having the same quirky personality. IMO, the only «Saints Row» about this trailer is the purple color and that bad guy.